A most sincere thanks to everyone who helped to prepare the church so beautifully for Christmas and to those who erected the Crib. Your time and energy given was very much appreciated. As we move into 2012, we would like to offer our sincere thanks to all who gave of their time and support this past year. It is said that many hands make light work, that being so, we express our gratitude to the:
Sacristans, altar servers, church cleaners, grounds man/caretaker, ministers of the word and eucharist, parish secretary, altar society, church collectors, parish assembly, youth club leaders, dues distributors/collectors, money counters/bankers, newsletter publisher, finance committee, parish website designer and administrator.
A special thanks for your generosity in the Christmas Day Collection. Finally, to finish on a high note, we thank all the choirs, organists, conductors and cantors for adding so much to our liturgies. We look forward and rely on your ongoing support and encouragement throughout the coming year.
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