On Sunday 27th of November about 20 children participated in the children’s liturgy of the word during the 11 o’clock Mass. Just after Mass began Fr. Colin invited parents to bring their children aged 8 years and under (pre-1st Holy Communion) into the children’s room at the back of the church. The leaders gave the children sheets to colour based on the gospel theme of the day and they talked about the importance and relevance of Advent. The children were then invited to bring up their completed colourings during the offertory procession. They remained on the sanctuary, where they led the congregation in reciting the Our Father, after which they rejoined their parents.
The children were very happy to have their own liturgy of the word; the feedback from the parents was also very positive.
Our thanks to Gemma and Betty for their energy and enthusiasm in keeping the children focused and interested.
The Family Mass, with the children’s liturgy of the word, will be a regular occurrence in our parish.
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