Parish Office

Booking Masses


NNIVERSARY BOOKING OF MASSES: To make it easier for people to book Masses are booked in three month blocks. This means from Monday 2nd December Masses may be booked for January, February & March. The bookings for April, May and June will open in March.

Issuing of Certificates

There is a nominal charge for the issue of baptismal, confirmation and marriage certificates. Certificates can only be issued through the parish office.

Rooms in the Parish Centre

If any group or organisation is interested in hiring a room in the parish centre, please contact the Parish Office. Individuals and groups must have their own public liability insurance.

Office Opening Times

Monday: 10.30 – 12.30pm

Wednesday: 10.30 – 12.30pm

Friday: 10.30 – 12.30pm


Church of the Incarnation,




T12 A660

Urgent Calls

Urgent Calls: 0876732541 (carried by the priest on duty)

Parish Office


Phone: 021-4897379

The Parish Office is based in the Parish Centre (located to the right and sitting behind the Church)

Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10.30am to 12.30pm