RECENTLY DECEASED: In our prayers we remember Louise Sheahan, late of Douglas, and Patricia O’Regan, late of Shamrock Road. We extend our sincere sympathy to their loved ones, relatives, neighbours and friends. May they rest in peace.
THANK YOU: I wish to thank all of you for your wonderful generosity to me with the Easter collection. Also thank you to all of you who have returned your dues envelopes. Fr Ray
FRANKFIELD/GRANGE CHILDREN’S ROSARY: The Children’s Rosary Group will have their monthly Rosary on Saturday 13th April at 6pm in front of Our Lady’s Shrine in Church of the Incarnation Frankfield. All children and teenagers are most welcome to attend, including children from outside the parish. Please encourage young people you know to attend. Students from Coláiste Chríost Rí who participate in Student Rosary were recently surveyed on their experience of praying the Rosary. Many students said the Rosary has brought them closer to God. The following is just a sample of their responses; “what I like most about the Rosary is the presence of the Lord”, “the Rosary helps you to get closer to God and if you open your heart to God the peace you will experience is amazing”, “since I have started saying the Rosary I have gotten so much closer to Jesus”, “I think Rosary group can help with effort and results in school because it can destress and calm someone and that can really help”.
ALPHA : A new Alpha programme starts on Wednesday, 10th of April from 7.30pm to 9pm, in our parish centre, Frankfield/Grange, and runs for 10 weeks. Alpha is a 10-week series of interactive sessions, where anyone can explore life and the Christian faith in a friendly, open and informal environment. Every Alpha session has three key elements: food, talk, and discussion. To register, contact the Frankfield / Grange Parish Office (021 489 7379 / or just turn up and see for yourself!
THE POPE’S MONTHLY INTENTION – For the Role of Women: We pray that the dignity and immense value of women be recognised in every culture, and for the end of discrimination that they experience in different parts of the world. Intercom
EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Every Friday exposition of the Blessed Sacrament takes place in our church from 10.30am until 8pm. Everyone is welcome to come along and spend some time in private prayer.
OFFERTORY COLLECTION last weekend was for the priests of the parish. Collection for Holy Places amounted to €1,160; 2nd collection next weekend (13/14th April) is for the monthly Church Refurbishment Fund; thank you for your continued generosity.
SOCIETY OF ST VINCENT de PAUL April church door collection this weekend; please give what you can.
MASS BOOKINGS for April May & June may now be booked in the parish office; opening days/hours Monday, Wednesday & Friday from 10.30am – 12.30pm. Confirmation & First Holy Communion cards are available in the Parish Office cost €1.50
ACTIVE RETIRED PROGRAMME: Frankfield/Grange Group –MONDAY : 2pm–3pm – gentle exercises, relaxation, cuppa and chat. 3pm–4pm: line dancing. TUESDAYS: Classes for Art Group at 2pm – 4pm WEDNESDAYS: Cuppa and chat after 10am Mass. All activities take place in the parish centre.
TRÓCAIRE: Please return your Trócaire boxes or envelopes as soon as possible to the sacristy at Mass times. Please do NOT leave the Trócaire boxes in the church when the sacristy is closed.
THE PRIORY INSTITUTE: For all programmes
I attended mass at 4pm on Christmas Eve and I just wanted to thank everyone, who was involved. The singing, the flowers in the church, the crib and the entire mass was absolutely beautiful. Thank you, it was magnificent. Wishing you all a happy and peaceful New Year.
My best wishes, Valerie