Parish Groups

Get Involved and become part of the Team


he following are voluntary groups within the Church/Parish:

Parish Assembly: Is voted in by the members of the Parish and is comprised of the church congregation.

Church Choir: Contact Sean O’Neill, contactable through the parish office; the choir meets for practice in the church on Wednesday evenings at 7.30pm. They sing at the 10 and 11.30am Masses on Sundays, (alternative weeks), Christmas and Eastertide, and on special occasions throughout the church year.

Frankfield Gospel Choir: Contact John Vaughan, contactable through the parish office; the choir practises on Monday evenings in the Church and sings at the 10am and 11.30am Masses on certain Sundays and on other occasions throughout the year.

Saturday Vigil Mass Music: Jean Downey and Gene Sheehan provide the music for this Mass.

Ministers of the Word and Eucharist: Read and distribute Holy Communion during the weekday morning Mass and the weekend Masses. Volunteers are always welcome. Please contact Fr Ray if you are interested in joining this ministry. Coordinator: Marion O’Connell, contact the parish office

Altar Servers: Children from 3rd class upwards who have made their 1st Holy Communion are welcome and encouraged to join the altar servers. Please call to the sacristy after morning Mass any weekday or after the weekend Masses.

Altar Society: Look after the flowers on the altar on a monthly rota, and also during Christmas and Easter seasons, Holy Communion, Confirmations and on other special occasions. New members welcome, please contact Margaret via the parish office

Mass collectors: Collect at all the weekend/Holy Day Masses before the Offertory of the Mass, if there is a 2nd collection this is taken up directly following distribution of Holy Communion.

Dues envelope distributors: The money donated in the dues envelopes twice yearly is the clergy’s main source of income. Dues envelopes are delivered to parishioners’ homes during the Christmas and Easter seasons. New members needed urgently to deliver dues envelopes throughout the parish, if you feel you could spare an hour/two twice a year to deliver envelopes in your area please contact Fr Ray

St Vincent de Paul Society: Meets on a Monday evening at 7.30pm in Church rooms. The society offers confidential assistance for people in need. Tel: Tuckey Street, Cork: 021-4270644 /087 0527121.

Active Retired Group: Meets on a Wednesday morning for a cuppa/chat after 10am Mass in the parish centre. Talks are also given by visiting professionals of health and well being.

St Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Meets in parish centre 1st Monday of each month after the 10am morning Mass. The purpose of the Society is to foster vocations to the priesthood and religious life and to assist financially in the education of students for the priesthood.

Rosary Group: The rosary is recited at 9.30am in the church each morning before 10am (weekdays and Sunday).

Baptismal Team: Helps the parish to reach out to families presenting children for baptism by helping them appreciate the meaning of the rite and by offering the following support:

An introduction to the baptismal ceremony.

Organisation of participation in readings and prayers at the baptism.

Checklist for the family for the baptism ceremony.

Among their other activities the group is involved in planning and organising the annual Baptismal Blessing (of babies) Ceremony, in collaboration with the Faith Enrichment Group of parish assembly. This ceremony is held annually on a Sunday afternoon in May in the parish church, followed by refreshments in the parish centre.

Contact only through the Parish Office.

The RCIA Group: The RCIA (The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process which involves the community in journeying with a non-Catholic who has asked to become a Catholic. It involves a number of stages punctuated by liturgical rites to aid and assist the potential person toward the final rite at the Easter Vigil at which time they will become full members of the Roman Catholic Church. The entire process takes several months, but participants are invited to proceed at a pace which suits them individually. Please contact Fr Ray for further information.


Church of the Incarnation,




T12 A660

Urgent Calls

Urgent Calls: 0876732541 (carried by the priest on duty)

Parish Office


Phone: 021-4897379

The Parish Office is based in the Parish Centre (located to the right and sitting behind the Church)

Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10.30am to 12.30pm