Fr. Colin and myself take this opportunity to wish you every blessing and good fortune for 2014. As we welcome our new year we wish to thank all, most sincerely, who gave of their time and talents to beautifully prepare our Church for the celebration of Christmas, and the erection of the Crib and Christmas Tree. We thank especially Mr. Jim Hanley of Hanley’s Store for donating our Christmas Tree this year.
We also take this opportunity to express our gratitude to the many people who through the generous gift of time and talent have contributed enormously to our parish this past year: Sacristans, altar servers, church cleaners, caretaker, ministers of the Word and Eucharist, parish secretary, altar society, church collectors, parish assembly, youth club leaders, distributors of dues envelopes, money counters/bankers, newsletter publisher, finance committee, and parish website administrator.
A special thanks for your generosity in the Christmas Day Collection and with your Christmas Dues and to all who so magnificently added to our prayerful and joyful celebration of our Christmas liturgies, in particular the choirs, organists, conductors and cantors. We look forward to the coming year and our continuing to work and support each other.
Fr. Christy & Fr. Colin
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